
Showing posts from August, 2013

Artist books By Catherine Mc Cue exchange collection

Artist Book 3.0 exchange collection Artist Book 3.0 exchange collection,  Elegy to the tree, images, Catherine Mc Cue Boes, Australia. Artist Book 3.0 exchange collection,  Elegy to the tree, image, Sue Hobbs, South Africa. Artist Book 3.0 exchange collection,  Elegy to the tree, image, Kathleen Nartuhi, USA, Cheryl Penn, South Africa. Catherine Mc Cue, Australia. Sue Hobbs, South Africa Artist Book 3.0 exchange collection,  Borders & Crossings.

Artist book Eve Revisited Mark 3

News  Congratulations!  You have been selected as a Finalist in the 2013 Hutchins Art Prize. This brief email is to notify you of your success.  An information package will be posted out to you over the next couple of weeks. The Hutchins Art Prize exhibition will be held in the Long Gallery, Salamanca Place, Hobart from Tuesday 15 to Sunday 27 October 2013.  The exhibition’s Gala Opening and announcement of prize winners will be held on the Long Gallery at 6.00pm on Monday 14 October. Kind regards, John Ancher, Hutchins Art Curator. 2 August 2013